The base salary will be in the range of $225,000, plus a comprehensive benefits package
Western Maricopa Education Center, District 402
Seeks a CEO/Superintendent Who….
-Has operational and administrative experience with a large company or educational institution.
-Processes effective written and verbal communication skills, when building stakeholder relationships and being comfortable with community involvement, including Advisory Committees.
-Has a thorough knowledge and experience with career and technical education, its purpose function and operations as well as understanding how career and technical student organizations (CTSO) function.
-Is experienced in building and maintaining a well-run organization; and skilled in hiring and retaining talent, especially the management team that will assist in the implementation of their vision, as well as being attentive and responsive to the changing needs of the staff, teachers, and private and public partners.
-Represents experience in construction and design.
-Understands local, state, and federal laws.
-Sets high standards for themselves and those around them with strong organizational skills with the ability to interact with individuals in a kind and considerate manner.
-Enjoys coordinating and working with local businesses.
-Exhibits a track record of being a visionary seeking out innovation and bringing it to West-MEC.
-Has the expertise to build coalitions and community business partnerships with private and public entities; that will foster professional development and collaboration.
-A good listener and will act on the needs of the stakeholders, including administration, staff, students, parents and the community.
-Demonstrates a personal interest in the success of their students and whose career evidences a passion for education.
02-16-2022 Planning meeting with the Governing Board’s representatives.
02-17-2022 Begin preparing recruitment information and promotional materials
02-17-2022 Notify all associates and other professional contacts of vacancy.
02-21-25-2022 Individual Governing Board Members interviews.
02-21-2022 Begin accepting applications from candidates and recruitment of candidates who meet the Governing Board’s profile.
04-01-2022 Deadline for all application materials.
04-13-2022 Search firm will present top candidates to the Governing Board and videos (In closed session) and discuss candidates to be interviewed. The
Governing Board will also finalize 1st round interview questions.
04-20-21-2022 Interview selected candidates (1st round).
04-20-2022 Meeting with consultant following the last interview.
04-27-2022 Interview top candidate(s) (2nd round). (Include Stakeholders_
04-27-2022 Meeting with consultant following the last interview.
04-29-2022 Announce finalist.
TBD Offer the contract.
TBD Finalize support options for Governing Board and new Superintendent.
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