Fairfax County Public Schools

Superintendent Search- Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Reid

Completed application information should be submitted by January 6, 2025, to the following email address:  jhammack@grrecruiting.com
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Application materials should include letter of interest, application, resume, and 3 recent letters of reference. Please submit application materials to GR Recruiting by the March 4th deadline, info@grrecruiting.com

The base salary will be in the range of $350,000 plus a comprehensive benefit package. The final salary for the successful candidate will be negotiated and determined based upon proven experience, qualifications, and meeting Board criteria.

For more information regarding the Fairfax County Public Schools Division please go to https://www.fcps.edu



     DATE                                                      PROCESS

11/15/21            Planning meeting with School Board members.

11/17/21            Begin preparing information for the Division promotional materials and online application.

11/17/21            Notify all associates and other professional contacts of vacancy.

Ongoing                Individual Board member interviews.

12/08/21            Notify stakeholders regarding input meetings on 12/14-16/21.

12/13/21____     GR Recruiting and FCPS Board Closed Session Meeting (10:00-12:00 am).

12/13/21____     FCPS public work session with GR Recruiting 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.

12/14/21___       Post Online survey link, for input on developing the profile, available on Division website.

12/14-16/21        In person meetings/Zoom with staff stakeholder groups.

01/12-13 & 18/22  In person/zoom meetings staff/parent/community stakeholder groups and town halls.

01/18/22                  Deadline for online survey/input from stakeholders

01/31/22                  FCPS Board closed session 4:00 am-5:30 pm.

01/31/22                   FCPS public work session 6:00-9:00 pm - Share results of survey, town halls and stakeholder meetings.

O2/03/22                   Finalize superintendent profile.

Ongoing_____     Accepting applications from candidates and reaching out to candidates who meet the division profile.

03/04/22            Deadline for all application materials.

03/05-16/22__    Consultant paper screening, reference and background checking.

03/17/22___       FCPS and Search firm meet in closed session to discuss candidates to be interviewed.

                             The Board will also finalize 1st round Board interview questions. (10:00 am - 3:00 pm)

03/21-22/22_      Interview selected candidates (1st round) (Time: TBD).

03/22/22____     Board Meets with consultant following the last interview. (Time: TBD)

03/28-29/22 _     Interview finalist candidate(s) (2nd round). (Time:  TBD)

03/29/22   ___    Board Meets with consultant following the last interview. (Time: TBD)

TBD                      Consultant will discuss contract terms with the finalist.

TBD                      Offer the contract.

TBD                      Finalize support options for the School Board and new superintendent.

*All applications will be reviewed.  Materials received after the closing date may be given full consideration depending upon the number of applications received and other factors.

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